2024 Trains, Trucks, & More!

Mark your calendars for Trains, Trucks, & More! Our 2024 event will be held from 10am – 4pm on Saturday, September 7th at 301 Bartlett Street, Clinton, MI 49236. Join us for a fun day of train rides, tractors, classic cars, emergency vehicles, model trains, and MORE! Free admission, free parking. Food available for purchase at some tasty food trucks and souvenirs available for purchase in the gift shop! Do you have a vintage tractor you like to show off? A classic car? An interesting truck? Get in touch with us! Send us an email to ttm.smrs@gmail.com for more information…

President Taft Visits the Southern Michigan Railroad

Join us at Hotrum Promenade Park in Tecumseh on Saturday, July 20th to experience a reenactment of the whistle stop President Taft performed back in 1910! While traveling by train to Jackson, Michigan to celebrate the founding of the Republican Party, President Taft stopped in Tecumseh to deliver a brief speech from the back of his private train car. You will be able to put yourself in the shoes of those eager onlookers and experience a whistle stop yourself! The reenactment will take place at 2:00PM as a part of Tecumseh’s Bicentennial Celebrations! This free event is something you won’t…